
Velocypack encoder and decoder in pure scala à la circe

The codecs package includes the scodec codecs for VPack values: VPack => Attempt[BitVector] and BitVector => Attempt[DecodeResult[VPack]]


SBT configuration :

libraryDependencies += "com.bicou" %% "avokka-velocypack" % "0.0.7"

Supported types

Scala / Java avokka VPack Velocypack
Boolean VBoolean true or false
Long, Short, Int VLong, VSmallInt signed int, unsigned int, small int
Double VDouble, VLong, VSmallInt double, signed int, unsigned int, small int
String VString small string, long string
Instant VDate, VLong, VString utc date, int(millis), string(iso)
Array[Byte], ByteVector VBinary, VString binary blob, string(hex)
UUID VBinary, VString binary blob, string
Option[T] VNull, VPack null, vpack
Vector[T], List[T], Seq[T], Set[T], Iterable[T], HList VArray array
Map[K, T], case classes VObject object
Unit VNone empty